A crab and a man cross on the green light

Something unexpected on my way home from the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas…

A plan and a crab crossing a road on a zebra crossing.
A screenshot from my dashcam. The crab’s more obvious in the video below.

A friend from New Zealand has been staying for the past few days. Last night, we took my scooter to Lotus Pond—around half an hour from my apartment—to photograph the famous Dragon and Tiger Pagodas.

Lotus Pond is a truly beautiful part of Kaohsiung:

The Dragon and Tiger Pagodas on Lotus Pond, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. This photo was taken at sunset while the lotuses were flowering.
For good luck, you enter through the dragon’s mouth, climb both pagodas, then exit through the tiger. Photo: Zhen-Kang.

Later, on the way home, while stopped at a red light, we saw a crab crossing the road:

(It should’ve stuck to the sidewalk.)

Update: 18 June 2023

Eight days later, while riding in the countryside, I had to give way to a turtle.